How long more?

How long is this going to last? When is this craziness going to stop? It has been since March 2020 we have been in a lock down here in Palawan and things are getting worse and worse. The virus is causing more damage because of the lock downs than it is killing people. Businesses are closed. People have no jobs and can’t pay their bills and provide their families with food.
People are locked up in their homes for I don’t know how long. How they get food and how they pay their bills, when they are not allowed to work. Nobody cares!
It is so strange .. USA is starting to return to normal, UK they are starting to have park runs again, in the Netherlands my parents are thinking about going on holiday again, in Japan they are going to have Olympics in July .. in Palawan we are still in lock down. It is incredible!!
With God’s help we are doing great. We want to take a moment to thank every person for their continued support. Without your support we would not make it through this situation. Also without your support we could not be able to continue supporting those under Support A Child program.
Thanks a million for your love.
Lots of love from the Philippines,
Arthur Peter xxx
Here is a story of a couple living in Palawan and how this pandemic hit them. I was moved by their honesty and openness. This couple had 2-3 businesses but they had to close them down because of pandemic. How they survive now .. no idea!
Here is their story:
I had a chat with my mom tonight. It was short, but what I surmised was this: circumstances across the world vary so incredibly much right now. Whatever part of the world you happen to be in, it is not this…
I will share our story, not for pity, or empathy; but rather for a better understanding and perhaps, gratitude for where you stand at this moment…
In March 2020, we underwent quarantine. Total lockdown. Don’t leave your house. Military guards enforced this for what ended up for being 6 weeks. Yes, locked in our house for 6 weeks! Not a polite, please stay at home, but guns at checkpoints ensuring this happened. One member of the household, for one hour a day could purchase food. We had passes and were numbered as individuals. That’s it. Yes, we were safe physically, but imagine the mental quarantine that we underwent. I remember the first time leaving our house and it was dizzying, overwhelming and felt as though we we were prisoners for the first time experiencing freedom. There is a strange sense of anxiety that coincides with empty space.
From July and onward, life continued and we had our purposes. We moved to and fro unmitigated between towns. There were rules, but reasonable and manageable. We had access to medical facilities for animals and humans…we could go to the grocery store. That’s has changed.
On a business point of view, we were utterly crushed. Ok…
On a personal point of view, our dreams were also crushed. Ok…(we planned to have a baby).
Thankfully, we always have worked with the animals and it through them we have hope. We have purpose. We have reason. It’s not easy, but we have never chosen the easy path and for that I am grateful.
Now let’s fast forward for June 2021…
We are worst then before. More cases, ever evolving restrictions and day by day hope deteriorates.
With all this said, I choose to be here and choose to believe in where I lay my head. I choose to find any purposes other than my own.
For me…do what you can and just be a good person Let’s just be honest and love who we do, or don’t. Let’s share our truth, because it’s not all easy. I’ve shared our uneasy truth, it’s your turn. We are all in this together in some way or another
With love and gratitude,
Rob and Jacq (June 11, 2021)